Settings screen
The configuration section is only accessible to users with administrator rights. Only administrators can use the button in the navigation menu, to navigate to this page. The configuration section consists of 4 tabs, namely:
General Settings
In the "General" tab, as an administrator, you have an overview various settings that can be adjusted. There are not many for now. This screen is being expanded to allow Ishtar.DMS to be customized as much as possible to the wants and needs of each organization.
Currently, you can determine the maximum number of tiles per row here. And determine whether administrators can choose only from groups or groups + users, when managing permissions on tiles.
Managing tiles -and tile pages
In the "Tile configuration" tab, as an administrator you have an overview of all pages and tiles configured in Ishtar.DMS. On the left side, all pages that have already been created are listed. The very first time, you will only see the homepage in the overview.
When we select a page on the left, the details and tile groups configured for this page are displayed. Selecting a tile group displays a third section with the details of the selected tile group and also all tiles belonging to this group. Selecting a tile displays all the details of the selected tile in the last section.
Unlike Ishtar.365, you need to save every change each time. This will later be changed to the way it works in Ishtar.365, where you can save all changes in 1 time. Whenever you notice the following symbol next to the name of a tile, tile group or tile. Then you still have changes in that component that you have not saved yet.
Tile page:
To add a new page, click the "Add Page" button, near the list of all pages. A new page will then be added at the bottom of the list. You can immediately enter the name of the page in the page name input field. To edit a page, select the desired page and the details of that page will be displayed.
If you wish to delete a tile page, select the desired tile page and click the "Delete" button. The tile page is not deleted completely until you click "Delete" again as confirmation in the delete pop-up. Please note that deleting a page will also delete any tile group, as well as all tiles on this page.
Next to each page you will see a list of the "tile groups" (Line configuration) added to the selected tile page.
Tile group:
A tile group is a group of 1 or more tiles. You can configure multiple groups on a tile page to create a subdivision. To add a new group, click the button near the overview of tile groups. A new group is then added at the bottom of the list. You can immediately enter the name of the group in the name input field. To edit a group, select the desired group and the details of that tile group and all added tiles will be displayed.
"Hide title on page": To not display the title of the group on the tile page, check the provided checkbox.
If you wish to delete a tile group, select the desired tile group and click the "Delete" button. The group is not completely deleted until you confirm in the delete popup by clicking "Delete" again. Please note that deleting a group will also delete all the tiles in this group.
Next to the selected group, you will see an overview of the tiles that were added in this tile group.
Under each group, you can add 1 or more tiles. To add a new tile, click the button next to the overview of the tiles of the selected group. Immediately after this click you need to make a choice, which type of tile you want to add, choose one of the options below. Immediately after your choice/selection, a new tile is added to the bottom of the list. You can immediately enter the name of the tile in the name input field (unless it is a placeholder) and depending on the type, enter the necessary fields.
Type of tiles:
- placeholder: if you wish to add an empty tile position
tile page: here you can select a page, which should be displayed when a user clicks on this tile
Library filter: here you can select a library and configure desired metadata filters. When a user clicks on this type of tile, all filters that you have pre-configured here are automatically activated.
For each tile of the "Library filter" type, you can configure the desired filters, by clicking the "Configure filter options" button. You immediately get an overview of all possible metadata parameters in a pop-up. At each metadata parameter you can enter the desired value, which will be automatically activated as filters at this tile.
If you had previously selected a library, all metadata parameters will be displayed for that specific library. Otherwise, you will only see the default columns and you can go ahead and add any column you want, using the "Add" button. You only need to do this if you wish to configure automatic filters for the tile.
To change a tile, select the desired tile in a particular group and the details of that tile will be displayed.
For each tile, it should also have an icon or image loaded on it. From your Windows or MacOS explorer, you can select an image and drag it to the drop zone. Besides this drag and drop functionality, you can add an icon/image via the "Browse" button.
Permissions are assigned to a tile. If you want to protect a certain page or documents from being accessed by everyone, you must set restricted rights on the tile. You must first manage a new tile before you can assign rights to it. To assign rights, proceed as follows. Select the desired user(s) and/or groups to be granted rights in the "Person or group" dropdown. Determine for each added group and user what permissions they will receive. Depending on the type of tile, this varies somewhat:
- Tile to a page: Here you can choose only read or full control. For a user, neither makes a difference. Full control, will make a difference later on from when the feature "Power users" is introduced.
- Tile for a library filter: here you determine whether a user/group can only read documents or also edit them. If you check the "Download" checkbox, the user can download all documents he has access to. If you check "Upload" the user can also add documents. With full control, the user can start reading, editing, deleting and adding documents to all documents to which they have permissions.
Note: It may be perfect that you give someone full control to a tile of documents and yet that person cannot see all the documents. This can happen when specific permissions are set on a metadata column, which belongs to the library.
If you wish to delete a tile, select the desired tile in the overview and click the "Delete" button. The tile is not deleted completely until you confirm in the delete popup by clicking "Delete" again.
Configuration of metadata
In the "Metadata" tab, the administrator will configure all metadata parameters that can be associated with files. There are different types of metadata, below you will find an overview of all possible options. For each metadata parameter you can set whether it is mandatory or not. Depending on the type, you can determine whether it can contain multiple values or not and on each metadata parameter rights can be assigned. These rights will determine whether a user can access a file and items in a selection list.
Description of the possible metadata types:
- Text: this allows the user to enter free text. The administrator can determine the maximum number of characters the user can enter for this type. For a description we recommend ± 1000 characters, for short text like tags we recommend to keep this number low ± 100. Lowering can only be done up to the maximum number of characters entered for a file, in the configured text field.
- Number: this will only allow the user to enter a number
- Date: here the user can select a date in a date picker or via manual input. As administrator, you determine the format in which the date should be displayed. The default format for almost every country in the European Union is dd/MM/yyyy. If you also want to display the time of day, you can add "HH:mm" to the date format.
- People picker: You can set whether this column can contain 1 or multiple choices and determine whether users can select from only users, groups or whether both users and groups are selectable.
- Pick List: Here you define the possible options a user can choose from. You can at any time expand, modify, delete the possible choices and manage permissions per choice. With this parameter type you can, if desired, use translations. If you wish to use these, you must select the desired languages from the dropdown. Then you can add all translations for each choice. The name of the choice is always mandatory. If you want to use translations you can enter for example an abbreviation in this field and the full names in the fields for each translation.
- Yes/No: We have not added this column type separately. You can easily obtain it through the choice type, adding the "Yes" and "No" options.
- Consolidated choice: here you can merge the options from the different choice metadata parameters you have already configured into 1 column. For example, would you like to have a column "Assigned to", where the user can choose from both users, groups and teams or departments. Then you can create it through this kind of metadata type. Later we will extend this that you can also choose items from different lists. For example, you will be able to add a column "Contact", which is an aggregation of a different lists like customers, suppliers, employees, ...
Adding metadata:
To create a new paramater, click the "Add metadata" button (Create metadata). Start by entering a name that is as short as possible, but clear. More info can be entered in the description, which will be displayed in a tooltip for the users. Choose one of the metadata types and determine whether or not it may contain multiple selections and whether or not it must be filled in for each document*.
Modifying metadata:
To modify an existing parameter, select the desired parameter in the overview. Only the metadata type is not editable*.
Determine permissions to metadata:
To grant permissions, proceed as follows. Select the desired metadata parameter and, in the "Permissions" section, select the desired user(s) and/or groups to be granted rights to this parameter. Those who do not have access to a particular parameter will also not be able to see the documents to which this paramter is associated.
Removing metadata:
If you wish to delete a parameter, select the desired parameter in the overview and click on the "Delete" button. You still need to confirm this action by clicking "Delete" again in the delete popup. Note that you may be deleting a column to which restricted rights applied. By deleting this column, you may be giving access to users who, due to the permissions on the column, did not have rights to specific files.
*Don't forget to save your changes each time by clicking the "Save" button.
In the "Libraries" tab, the administrator has an overview of all libraries added in Ishtar.DMS. These are listed below each other on the left side. Ishtar.DMS is designed so that all documents are stored in 1 large library and metadata plays a very important role. In this way, users can easily find their documents based on filtering. However, not every organization works this way and therefore we have given the opportunity to create additional libraries. This is to subdivide documents even more specifically and to manage specific metadata per library.
To create a new library, click the "Create library" button. Here you need to enter the name for the library (it must be unique).
Metadata can be easily added per library, using the "Add Metadata" button, next to the library name. You can then select from all the metadata columns configured in the "Metadata" tab. If you wish to add multiple columns, repeat this step for each metadata parameter. When multiple metadata columns are added, you can also arrange them in the desired order. Select the metadata parameter you wish to move, drag it up or down and release at the desired position.
For each metadata parameter you can also enter a default value. When a user wants to load documents, the value you selected/entered here will already be filled in by default in the pop up (adjustable). Below the default value you can also define for different parameter types the possible values a user can use in the library. In the example in the attached image, you can see a parameter named "Document type." This is a metadata parameter used very often, which can have a wide variety of options (e.g.: contract, invoice, report, media, ...), but which are not needed in every library. You add the desired metadata parameter in the "Metadata" tab. You add there all possible options that can be used in Ishtar.DMS and then limit the possible options here in this tab for this column, per library.
If a metadata parameter should no longer be needed in a particular library, you can delete it by clicking the delete icon next to the desired metadata paramater. Do not forget to save this change by clicking the "Save" button.
Deleting a library, you can by clicking the "Delete" button after selecting the desired library. The library is only completely deleted after you confirm in the delete popup by clicking "Delete" again. Please note that if there are still documents stored in the respective library, they will be deleted along with it! After deleting a library, you must also delete or modify the tile(s) that refer to this library. Otherwise all users who have rights to that tile will end up on an empty page.